
孔院微课堂 | 多彩龙江

孔子学院 孔子学院 Confucius Institute





Colorful Heilongjiang


Heilongjiang, a renowned summer retreat and a winter wonderland, has always been a highly soughtafter destination for people from all around the globe. Situated in the northeastern part of China, it holds the  distinction of being the country’s northernmost province, with the highest latitude. It plays a crucial role as a gateway connecting China to Russia and the European continent by land.

良田沃土(Fertile farmland)


One of Heilongjiang’s notable characteristics is its abundance of “black”, a reference to the region’s fertile black soil. This unique soil is formed over an extensive timespan in grasslands and meadows under temperate and humid conditions. Before the advent of human settlements, the region bore lush grasslands that flourished, withered, and regrew in endless cycles. Each cycle deposited a rich layer of organic matter, eventually amassing over millions of years into the fertile black soil. Thus the formation of every centimeter of black soil symbolizes the passage of hundreds of years. Heilongjiang boasts the world’s finest black soil, with a maximum thickness of up to two meters. 45.7% of China’s total black soil area can be found in Heilongjiang, making it a vital base for the country’s food supply. Often referred to as the Great North Breadbasket on the Northeast Plain, the province is renowned for its high-quality crops, including soybeans, wheat, corn, and sorghum. When walking on the black soil, if you were to pick up a handful and squeeze it tightly, it would almost feel as if oil could flow out. The locals describe the fertility and value of the black soil using the phrase “one gram of soil, two grams of oil”.

冰雪之乡(Land of ice and snow)


Heilongjiang is renowned for its stunning whiteness. The snowy landscapes of winter showcase a different facet of Heilongjiang’s beauty. One of the most popular tourist spots in recent years is the Snow Village, nestled at the intersection of Zhangguangcai Ridge and Laoye Ridge in Mudanjiang City, within the Changbai Mountains. This place receives nearly seven months of snowfall each year, with snow depths reaching up to two meters. Stepping into the snow, you can’t help but feel engulfed by its embrace. Thanks to the interplay of cold and warm air currents, this location enjoys a unique climate, characterized by “no three sunny days in summer and snow-filled forests in winter”. The accumulated snow, shaped by the winds, forms enchanting landscapes reminiscent of “snow mushrooms”. Setting foot in this place feels like stepping into a world of ice and snow fairy tales.


Heilongjiang is home to the renowned Sun Island International Snow Sculpture Art Expo, the world’s largest ice and snow carnival. This expo stands as China’s earliest and largest winter-themed amusement park centered around the magic of snow. Here, you can indulge in various recreational activities like snow slides and ice cycling. Each year, an international snow sculpture competition takes place here, where artists from around the globe showcase their exquisite creations, each representing unique regional characteristics and ethnic styles. This event offers visitors a top-notch artistic experience. Heilongjiang is also globally acclaimed for the Harbin Ice and Snow World, the largest ice and snow park in the world and a highly sought-after winter destination. During the winter season, the park unveils the romantic beauty of crystal-clear ice and snow sculptures, dazzling light effects, as well as breathtaking performances of ice magic, ice acrobatics, and ice ballet. These activities provide people with an opportunity to immerse themselves in the charm and joy of ice and snow amidst the cold winter.

五彩之秋(Autumn in all its splendor)


Every autumn, as you set foot in the Greater Khingan Range, you can’t help but be captivated by the beauty of nature. Bathed in the warm sunlight, people lounge on lawns blanketed with golden leaves, savoring the enchantment of the border river between China and Russia. The melodic chirping of birds fills the air, adding to the symphony of falling leaves and creating a romantic atmosphere. Here, a diverse array of ancient Mongolia scotch pines, larches, birch trees, Siberian crab apple trees, and willows grace the landscape. Their mingling forest is mirrored in the crystal-clear lake, blending with the azure sky and white clouds to create a heavenly scene. As you pause to take in the scenery, the mountains and forests adorned with autumn hues come alive under the sunlight. The interplay between the majestic mountains and the glistening water forms a vibrant autumn tableau.

夏之极光(Northern lights in summer)

“有村名北极,无客不南来。”喜欢观赏北极光的游客,可以到黑龙江漠河市北极镇来,这里是中国的最北端,与俄罗斯隔江相望,是最佳的观测点。北极村素有“金鸡之冠” “神州北极”和“不夜城”之美誉。极光现象通常在后半夜出现,人们要在凌晨一点左右出门等待极光的出现。最好的观测季节是夏季,这里几乎 24 小时都是白昼,登山远眺可以看到远处既像傍晚又像黎明的北极光。

“There is a village called Beiji, and every traveler from the south arrives there without fail.” If you’re a fan of observing the Northern Lights, the Beiji Village in Mohe City, Heilongjiang Province, is an absolute must-visit. Situated at the northernmost part of China, facing across the river from Russia, it offers the best vantage point for observing this natural phenomenon. Beiji Village is renowned as the “crown of the golden rooster”, the “North Pole of China”, and the “city that never sleeps”. The Northern Lights typically make their appearance after midnight, so visitors need to venture out around one o’clock in the morning and patiently await the enchanting aurora. The ideal season for observing this spectacle is summer when the region experiences nearly 24 hours of daylight. By scaling mountains and gazing into the distance, one can witness the Northern Lights, which bear resemblance to both twilight and sunrise.


With its exceptional geographical location and abundant tourist attractions, Heilongjiang has emerged as a popular destination for both Chinese and international travelers. Whether you’re into winter skiing or looking for a summer getaway, this land of fertile black soil beckon you. Here, you can embrace the thrill of navigating through snow-covered birch forests and explore the beauty of vibrant, untouched woodlands!





逛东北早市 学实用量词


学成语俗语 话贵州今昔







作者:陌上尘 Mo Shangchen

翻译:李睿 Li Rui



孔子学院 Confucius Institute

